Organisms Lineage

Organisms Lineage


Practical Exam 1 Study Guide

BIOL 106L Spring 2021



The exam will open on Wednesday, October 20th at 2:00 pm and will remain open until 3:45 pm. You will have 1 attempt and 105 minutes to complete the exam. There will be 50 questions and 2 extra credit questions, meaning that you will be allotted roughly 2 minutes per question. The exam covers chapter 1-6 material.


This exam is not open-book or open-note. We expect that students will not cheat (access the internet, reading, notes, or contact each other) during the exam. Keep in mind that it will be difficult to complete the exam within the time allotted if the time is spent looking up answers rather than answering the questions. In other words, cheating will not benefit you. Rather, studying ahead of taking the exam will best prepare you.


There will be photos of the organism (or sometimes a diagram), and you will answer two questions about it. This study guide is meant to simply direct your studying; it does not have all of the material included and you should not rely on it solely, because it is still your job to thoroughly read the lab manual chapters and PowerPoint slides. As always, let me know if you have any questions​—​I’m happy to assist you.


Remember that you will be looking at unlabeled specimens, so you will need to identify that specimen from memory.


On the exam questions, you will be asked to:

  • Identify the organism’s lineage, ​phylum, or genus​
  • Know information about the organism, such as:
    • Its life cycle and what stage is dominant, if applicable (Ex: alternation of generations in ferns, sporophyte dominant)
    • A disease or phenomenon it may cause (Ex: Malaria from Plasmodium vivax)
    • Its external or internal anatomical structures and functions (Ex: heterocysts in Anabaena fix nitrogen)
    • Its morphology, if applicable (Ex: leafy liverwort v thallose liverwort)
    • Concepts associated with the organism, such as pollination syndromes or desiccation tolerance.


Remember, this is just a quick overview to get you thinking about how to study. There are more organisms than the few examples that I mentioned above. Study all of the organisms that we have gone over in this course so far (chapters 1-6), and the lab manual prompts and information that goes along with them.


Below, I’ve included 16 example questions. They are similar to the format of your quiz questions:



  1. What is this life cycle called?
    1. Gametic
    2. Sporic
    3. Haploidic
    4. Zygotic
  2.  What type of organism has this life cycle?
    1. Diatoms
    2. Angiosperms
    3. Dinoflagellates
    4. Archaeans



  1. These structures are responsible for the regulation of:
    1. Gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
    2. Glucose exchange of glucose and carbon monoxide
    3. Gas exchange of carbon monoxide and oxygen
    4. Glucose exchange of glucose and phosphorous
  2.  Why are there typically higher numbers of this structure on the bottoms of leaves than the tops of leaves?
    1. To minimize desiccation
    2. To increase the rate of mineral uptake
    3. To minimize sap production
    4. To increase desiccation


  1. What is the genus of this organism?
    1. Trichonympha
    2. Physarum
    3. Tryopanosoma
    4. Trichomonas
  2.  What disease does this organism cause?
    1. Brain wasting disease
    2. African sleeping disease
    3. A sexually transmitted disease
    4. Malaria












  1. What is phylum of this organism?
    1. Hepaticophyla
    2. Musci
    3. Monilophyta
    4. Coniferophyta
  2. [TRUE/FALSE] This organism produces seeds. False





  1. What is the lineage of this organism?
    1. Amboebozoa
    2. Excavata
    3. Archaeplastida
    4. Stramenopila
  2.  What is the phylum of this organism?
    1. Rhodophyta
    2. Chlorophyta
    3. Phaeophyta
    4. Bacillariophyta



  1. This Bacterium is:
    1. gram positive
    2. gram negative
    3. gram neutral
    4. both A and B


  1.  [TRUE/FALSE]: This Bacterium has a lipopolysaccharide layer.  False





  1.  What is the phylum of this organism?
    1. Hepaticophyta
    2. Musci
    3. Monilophyta
    4. Rhodophyta
  2.  [TRUE/FALSE] This organism is homeohydric. False





  1.  What lineage is this organism in?
    1. Excavata
    2. Alveolata
    3. Rhizaria
    4. Stramenopila
  2.  These organisms have numerous _____ , used for locomotion and feeding.
    1. Axopodia
    2. Cilia
    3. Nuclei
    4. Scales



Finally, I’ve included the organism and activity information found at the end of each PowerPoint:


Week 1:

  • Fungi
    • Saccharomyces
    • Rhizopus
    • Sordaria
  • Animals
    • Rotifers
  • Plants
    • Elodea cells


Week 2:


  • Bacteria
    • Colony morphology
    • Shapes of Bacteria
    • Gram positive & gram negative Bacteria
    • Disk diffusion test
    • Enzyme production
    • Root nodules
    • Cyanobacteria – Oscillatoria & Anabaena
  • Archaea
    • Halobacterium (Halophiles) vs coli in flasks


Week 3:


Lineage Amoebozoa

  • Phylum Rhizopoda
    • Amoeba
  • Phylum Myxogastrida
    • Physarum

Lineage Excavata

  • Phylum Parabasalida
    • Trichonympha
    • Trichomonas vaginalis
  • Phylum Kinetoplastida
    • Trypanosoma brucei gambiense

Lineage Rhizaria

  • Phylum Actinopoda
    • Radiolaria
  • Phylum Foraminifera
    • Foraminifera

Lineage Alveolata:

  • Phylum Apicomplexa
    • Plasmodium vivax
  • Phylum Ciliata
    • Paramecium
    • Euplotes
    • Vorticella

Lineage Stramenopila

  • Phylum Oomycota
    • Achlya


Week 4:

Lineage Excavata

  • Phylum Euglenida
    • Euglena

Lineage Alveolata

  • Phylum Dinoflagellata
    • Dinoflagellates

Lineage Stramenopila

  • Phylum Bacillariophyta
    • Diatoms
  • Phylum Phaeophyta (Brown algae)
    • Observe various examples

Lineage Archaeplastida

  • Phylum Rhodophyta (Red algae)
    • 5 morphologies
  • Phylum ‘Chlorophyta’ (Green algae)
    • Various example genera like Ulva & Codium
    • Microscopic genera
      • Chlamydomona
      • Gonium
      • Pandorina
      • Volvox


Week 5:



  • Marchantia Antheridiophore
  • Marchantia Anchegoniophore
  • Marchantia sporangium
  • Thallose vs leafy liverworts


  • Observe moss rehydration
  • Antheridial head
  • Archegonial head
  • Sporophyte capsule


  • Diversity in fern morphology
  • Fern sporangia
  • Fern tubers
  • Fern stomata
  • Fern gametophyte
  • Fern rhizome vascular tissue



Week 6:


Flower anatomy

Pollination syndrome flowers (flower traits in response to pollinators)

Prepared slide of lily anther

Prepared slide of lily ovary


Examine cycads

Examine pine leaves

Prepared slide of pine leaf cross section

Examine female and male cones

Wet mount of pollen from a male cone

Prepared slide of pine ovule from female cone

Pine seed dissection 🡪 expose embryo











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