Diabetes Mellitus in Australia
Diabetes Mellitus in Australia
Topic: Diabetes Mellitus (ICD10-AM Codes E10-E14.9; NOT Diabetes Insipidus or Gestational Diabetes) Length: Maximum 2500 words – Does not include headings, references, in-text references, table/figure characters Criteria: • 10% Constructs a review of the literature to identify and discuss issues relevant to the topic • 20% Designs a clear and logical data analysis strategy that is logically sequenced and structured and addresses the points raised in the topic • 20% Performs an analysis of the supplied data in a manner consistent with the data analysis strategy to provide appropriate answers to the points raised in the topic • 30% Recommends contemporary and achievable approaches to address the points raised in the topic • 10% Validates perspectives through correct interpretation of relevant and current literature (> year 2008) • 10% Produces correct grammar, spelling, formatting, style (report) and referencing Task: 1. With reference to the most common country and overseas literature, briefly describe: • • • Current prevalence & incidence of diabetes mellitus, and any relevant trends Current admissions & length of stay (LOS) for diabetes mellitus, and any relevant trends Approaches used to decrease length of stay for diabetes mellitus 2. Analyse the UTS Hospital dataset based on your research question(s) 3. Based primarily on your analyses, but with reference to the literature: • Identify important points that might suggest interventions to reduce the incidence of hospitalisation and readmission for this condition • Make specific recommendations to reduce rates of hospitalisation and readmission • Yes or no questions are not suited to be an aim. An aim must be specific and invite further analysis. Helpful Information from instructor to help you start 1- Decide on aim > what grpup a looking at? For example, I am going to look at people aged 60+, and compare the proportion of diabetes as a primary AND secondary diagnosis to people below 60. I am also going to compare the ALOS of diabetic patients with non-diabetic patients. I am going to see if the proportion at UTS Hospital matches national trends and assess whether intervention strategies can help reduce the ALOS of these patients. (Use an IF function to group patients in ages of 5 years: 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85+) there is an example of IF function I uploaded please see it. 2- Find literature 3- Once your demographic groups are finalised, create you tables/figures (NO pie chart) ( NO fancy tables ) keep it white and black. 4- Write methods first 5- Write results 6- Write discussion/intro/lit review (NO government sites for literature review) (references are important in intro and everywhere) Misc. Information Assessment • Research Report • Maximum 2500 words – Does not include headings, references, in-text references, table/figure characters • Two extra sections: Executive Summary and Literature Review 1 What is an Executive Summary? Ø An executive summary allows your reader to be acquainted with a large body of work without reading it all Ø This differs from the actual report in several key ways Ø In regards to presentation: • • • • 2 Confine to 1 A4 page Summary of the main topic Summary of key findings Present recommendations in dot points What is a Literature Review? • An evaluative report of studies that relates to your study area • You are aiming to synthesise current literature by: 1. DESCRIBE 2. SUMMARISE 3. EVALUATE • This section should convey to your reader what ideas have been established on your chosen topic Ø The papers you review should be guided by your AIM(s) 3 What should I include in my literature review? Aim: Design a care model for the local diabetic population to help reduce the average length of stay ØLiterature being reviewed should NOT be looking at broad topics – Ensure you are reviewing STUDIES. Your review should include: – The study type (e.g. observational, cohort, cross-sectional etc.) Who were the participants/what was the sample? What were the key findings and the implications of those findings? Limitations and/or strengths of their research v Present your review either via THEME 4 Differences between an introduction and literature review Introduction • Background/context of the paper • Definition of the key terms/concepts within the paper • Outline your key issues • Present your aims and purpose of the paper 5 Literature Review • Comparing/contrasting various authors’ perspectives/opinions on topics • Group researchers who have similar conclusions • Highlight key research papers as well current gaps in knowledge • Indicate the connection between your research and previous research Literature Review A literature review IS • A synthesis of a range of sources • A place to make explicit connections between previous research and your own • A critical evaluation of sources related to your research topic • A place to present an argument, a clear articulation of your own position in relation to relevant literature 6 A literature review IS NOT • Simply a collection of texts that you think are interesting or every text you have read • Presented as a list in which you discuss each text in turn • A descriptive summary of each and every text • A compilation of all material related to your research field, regardless of its relevance to your project Example Paragraph – Poor 7 Formulating a Research Question (RQ) 8 Formulating a Research Question (RQ) 9 Formulating a Research Question (RQ) 10 Using IF statements to create new variables When conducting analysis, very often you need to create some new variables by grouping categories of an existing variable. In Excel, you can use IF statements to create new variables. Below is the syntax to show you how IF statements can be used to create two new variables. The two new variables are: • “Age_70orAbove” (grouping all patients in the dataset into 2 groups, the “70 or above” group, and the “Less than 70” group) • “Age_Grp” (grouping patients into 10 years age groups) Note: In the UTS Hospital Data, Age is in column G 1. To create variable “Age_70orAbove” a. Place the cursor on Cell BI1 (the first cell of Column BI – if you have not made changes to the data file, BI is an empty column in the dataset, and the variable “Age” is in column G), type in “Age_70orAbove” b. Move the cursor to Cell BI2 and type the following formula into the formula bar. c. Click on when finish d. Copy and paste the formula is Cell BI2 to the end 2. To create variable “Age_Grp” a. Place the cursor on Cell BJ1, type in the variable name “Age_Grp” b. Place the cursor into Cell BJ2, and type the following formula into the formula bar c. Click on when finish d. Copy and paste the formula is Cell BJ2 to the end of the column You can apply the same logical to create other variables that are needed for your assessment. 1. The following exercises are related to the variables “LOS” and “age”. a. Create a new variable calls “Age_Grp” which group patients into 10 years age group b. Create a pivot table that gives you the mean “LOS” for each age group c. Create a chart/figure which best present the results d. Copy and paste the table and chart to a word document e. Format the table and chart to appropriate health report format with appropriate table/figure numbers and description …
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